Friday, June 27, 2008

covering for my cover letter

My first true exposure to the philosophy of teaching was in a graduate seminar at Simmons College. Within the safe boundaries of that classroom, the other students and I were able to dream up writing exercises, practice critiquing student assignments and philosophize about teaching, education and the world. There was very little admonishment, no matter how far-fetched the idea.

Since taking that course in 2004, I have had several opportunities to test my altruistic classroom theories against
real-world situations. From teaching literature to English teachers to introducing basic computer skills to adult ESL students, I have learned that it isn’t as much about my intentions as it is my willingness to adapt—both to the specific learning environment and to individual student needs. The goal becomes finding the balance between all of these needs with what needs to be taught.

Still, I believe that class to be a crucial step in my own journey towards teaching. I may have found that some things about the classroom are not permeable, but I have held on to my affinity for finding possibilities within restrictions. Barriers (of any sort) may mean more time spent examining individual lessons or revisiting particular instructions. But what’s so bad about slowing down, if it helps us learn from one another?
I wrote this is a cover letter, but my reviewer (who i agree with) thinks its a little too vague and writerly for anyone other than myself or likeminded english-y people to understand. Like I said, I agree with him. But I don't know what else to write... I don't have a list of "accomplishments" in the classroom to detail for anyone, and--in fact--don't even know For Sure if I want to be in a classroom full time. I'm only trying to do my best to apply for jobs I think I'm capable of doing.

I know the cover letter is only meant to get me the interview, but it's still the first view these people are getting of me AND my writing. I guess that's why I don't want to send a standard "You should hire me because of this..." letter. If it's written well, shouldn't they interview me and then decide I'm actually not qualified...?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

typing assessment

I found this website called TypeOnline. You can practice basic typing skills or take assessment for typing words, numbers or words & numbers. My wpm is VERY HIGH, as i knew it would be--104 with only 1 mistake. However, my wpm when it's just numbers or when it's words and numbers is quite low. It sucks that they include "symbols" when it's just the numbers test, because I'd like to know how fast I actually type when it's just numbers on the number pad. I bet it's like 2000 wpm.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

more change is a'comin...

how to feel...

i don't know. (squeak)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

update on the work cafe:

it's bad enough when i find one hair in my buffalo chicken wrap. but when i find TWO hairs? i wonder if there might be a larger problem...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


i hate being on the same bathroom schedule as other female co-workers. it's awkward.

Friday, June 6, 2008

i've gone to the left

because the carpal tunnel has taken over any usefulness that once existed in my right hand, i've moved my computer mouse to the left side of the keyboard. i can't see why they call the left "liberal" because it's actually quite hard to use a mouse left-handed. however, i think i'm getting pretty good at it. it's kind of like going from a mac to a PC or a shifter to an automatic. once you get used to it, it's not so bad... (however, it's MUCH easier than going from non-profit to non-work, i mean the Corporate World).

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

if my boss ever reads this, she will probably spank me

but--hey--she is also the same person that once told me "we all do what we have to to survive."

anyway, my new way of getting through the day? ONLINE TV. previously, i've thought to myself: why would anyone watch TV online??? the screen is too small, the quality isn't that good, and if you want to watch TV, you should just buy a damn TV already! but last week, i discovered that watching TV online is, for cubicle-residents such as myself, almost better than discovering the fountain of youth or getting 2 weeks of paid leave for good behavior. *i said ALMOST*

unfortunately, Fox On Demand is really the only player i can get to work with my laptop. in other words, the other networks' players suck my ass. and there are very few shows on Fox that i would be caught watching. House is always a good one, but i'm all caught up on that. and i watched all 8 episodes of Amsterdam which i absolutely love (past lives + detective work = happy lee lee). so, yesterday, i decided to bite the bullet and join NETFLIX (gasp!). why i have resisted this for so long we will never know... it's $7.99 for one movie at a time, but as many as you want a month PLUS free online shows, movies, and other craptastic goodies. i am in heaven, well--at least while i'm at work.

currently, i'm catching up on Weeds, a show i never would've been able to watch since i don't now nor will i ever have Showtime. the show isn't that great. but you know what it IS better than? silence. or even worse, the thoughts in my head. or, the worse-est of them cubicle neighbor's harp music. Go Weeds! Go Online TV!