Friday, June 27, 2008

covering for my cover letter

My first true exposure to the philosophy of teaching was in a graduate seminar at Simmons College. Within the safe boundaries of that classroom, the other students and I were able to dream up writing exercises, practice critiquing student assignments and philosophize about teaching, education and the world. There was very little admonishment, no matter how far-fetched the idea.

Since taking that course in 2004, I have had several opportunities to test my altruistic classroom theories against
real-world situations. From teaching literature to English teachers to introducing basic computer skills to adult ESL students, I have learned that it isn’t as much about my intentions as it is my willingness to adapt—both to the specific learning environment and to individual student needs. The goal becomes finding the balance between all of these needs with what needs to be taught.

Still, I believe that class to be a crucial step in my own journey towards teaching. I may have found that some things about the classroom are not permeable, but I have held on to my affinity for finding possibilities within restrictions. Barriers (of any sort) may mean more time spent examining individual lessons or revisiting particular instructions. But what’s so bad about slowing down, if it helps us learn from one another?
I wrote this is a cover letter, but my reviewer (who i agree with) thinks its a little too vague and writerly for anyone other than myself or likeminded english-y people to understand. Like I said, I agree with him. But I don't know what else to write... I don't have a list of "accomplishments" in the classroom to detail for anyone, and--in fact--don't even know For Sure if I want to be in a classroom full time. I'm only trying to do my best to apply for jobs I think I'm capable of doing.

I know the cover letter is only meant to get me the interview, but it's still the first view these people are getting of me AND my writing. I guess that's why I don't want to send a standard "You should hire me because of this..." letter. If it's written well, shouldn't they interview me and then decide I'm actually not qualified...?

1 comment:

KFrayz said...

you do have a list of accomplishments in the classroom. i have only been in your classroom one night and witnessed the accomplishments first hand...clearly you are not giving yourself enough credit.

however i am a fan of this cover letter...but then again I was a philosophy major tapped into my bug.