Friday, April 20, 2007

Full House

Now that I'm fully staffed (plus one since I have a temp who's helping out for a while), I don't have a place to sit... However, I feel so much relief that all of the work I wasn't doing will now get done. And I can "manage" it, instead of "do" it. Anyway, that's how it's supposed to work. Right?

I still have a lot of training to do for the temp. If I had only focused on that the past few weeks, rather than focusing on staying awake & not throwing up everything I ate, then right now I would be feeling REALLY good. Alas...

Well, no use crying over spewed milk. I have the support staff; now I just need to get them where they need to be. And, oh yeah, I still have a thousand things that should be my top #1 priority. Maybe now I'll have time to actually do some of those things???

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