Thursday, January 11, 2007

...and...Exhaustion sets in

It's a little after 4 PM on my 4th day as the P.A.M. and I can barely keep my eyes open. Unfortunately, my first day in this new position was also the first day of all-week-long training for another project I began in my last position AND the beginning of weekly readings at my alma mater, Lesley College, which I really like to attend now that I'm no longer in school there AND the return of our lovely-yet-time-intensive friend, Dez Montero AND I still have to do everything I did in my old job until I hire someone to replace me. Oh--did I mention I'm now carpooling with PK, who goes to work at the buttcrack of dawn? So, yeah, I'm pretty much pooped.

(I haven't even seen J-Kid this week!!!)

Drinking 6-packs at night after doing a couple shots is probably going to have to go. Unless I can manage to do that before 9 PM and go to bed a little earlier. Alternatively, I could stop showering and wake up later in the mornings. Oh wait--I already don't shower!! Damn it!!

Accomplishments So Far:
  • Staying Alive
  • Surviving Training w/ Grandma and Grandpa Elkin
  • Depleting Starbucks Gift Card
  • Not quitting the 2nd Day
  • Haven't smoked while at work (!)
  • Sent my first e-mail to "Leadership Team" and didn't get canned
  • Figured out how to adjust the height on my chair.
  • Snagged a free box of computer paper from WB Mason by making a big stink about it arriving late

Coulda Done Better At:
  • Blue Cross charge entry (e.g. the bane of my existence)
  • Acting professional at work
  • Scaling large buildings and saving the world
  • Pharmacare sucks my ass!
  • Masking my intense displeasure at the health centers' apathy towards my pharmacy billing project
  • Convincing the health centers' of the importance of my pharmacy billing project
  • Not drinking 6+ cans of diet coke a day
  • Getting a damn signature log approved and apologies...I am not a superhero, after all