Thursday, January 25, 2007

love/work life

My very first therapist gave me two vital pieces of advice, the first of which has little to do with my job--except that when she told me to stop feeling guilty about having "casual" sex, it must have done something for my confidence (which, in turn, must have done something for me getting & keeping a job, much less getting a promotion...).

However, the 2nd gem she gave to me was that I would never be happy until I was successful in both Love and Work. At the time, it didn't mean much to me. I was more interested in sex and getting a paycheck than finding my true calling in either dimension. But since that time, I feel like I've really focused on finding my "True Love" (even if that's not what I call it most of the time) and I've been not so focused (read: ignoring) on anything resembling a career. In fact, I've wishy-washied over the question of even having a career at all...

Well, guess what folks. Life has done it again. All this time I've put into being happy in love and now I've got a damn good job to show for it. Conversely, I still spend most nights alone. Worse, I foresee myself spending most nights alone until...well...I foresee that as far as I can foresee.

I'm not exactly sure what to make of that. If I'm adhering to the therapist's logic, I still can't be satisfied. My only hope is that if I start focusing on my brand-new career (check!) than maybe I'll meet a grand [& new] guy. (Unless, of course: I already missed him. Then, I'm fucked!)

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