Tuesday, July 1, 2008

ideas focused, design challenged

don't the two go together??

for years, i've spent my time bemoaning those big-picture bigwigs who sit around and, well, think about the big picture. meaning, they would come up with grandiose ideas that us little people had to design, implement and manage. but, really, i loved being a little person, because my strengths really were in the implementation of it all.

weren't they???

now, as i begin to market my own talents (read: myself), i have to think WAY BIG PICTURE but also think of every very small, tiny detail in order to have all the bases covered. the ideas are flowing like river water, but i can't seem to manage the needed small details: a business card, flyers, a website, how i'm going to make money. you know...the "small" stuff.

the fact of the matter is, i'm good at carrying out other people's ideas (as long as i [mostly] believe in them) and i'm good at coming up with my own ideas but never bringing them to fruition. uh-oh. trouble in not-working-full-time paradise...

this weeek on lee lee TV: can she suck it up and learn to work for herself? or will she fail miserably and be back in a cubicle, dreaming of being her own boss? cue music. fade out.

1 comment:

KFrayz said...

she will: succeed.
just like she succeeded at her last "major life change" (see h-man)