Friday, July 20, 2007

Manager Assessment: Poor

So, yesterday on a long out-of-the-office drive, I was able to assess the number of hours I dedicate to each particular piece of my job. It comes as no surprise that I'm working (or should be working) more than the 35 hours a week [nonprofit] allotment. But what is surprising, as well as something I have to actually do something about, is that the coordinator in my department--who is an hourly employee--has the workload of a i'm-busting-my-ass-to-get-up-the-career-ladder corporate schlep.

Now: we know that A) she is not busting her ass, as there's nowhere for her to move up to unless I were to vacate my position (which she's made fairly clear she's not ready for/interested in); B) she is not lazy, poor at time management or unorganized; and C) she IS an hourly employee working a 35-hour a week job!! May I quote?: Our department does not pay overtime.

I see my options as very limited. I either take away work from her (which I then become responsible for doing myself) or I advocate for her to get PAID for the hours she's working and/or be given a promotion and a RAISE. The latter is difficult because I worked in her position for 2 years and managed the same level of workload without asking for just compensation. I just liked working that hard, okay???? So, the precedent has already been set that the work will be done. Now, if that doesn't prove that the one person you need to watch for in this world is yourself, I don't know what does. As for the former option, that one sucks my ass.

So, yes. I'm giving myself a capital P for poor in this managerial assessment. Mostly for not recognizing that I was being a slave-driver (!!!!!) to my most beloved staffperson; but also preemptively, for not being able to advocate effectively on behalf of my staff. Look, I can't even get my boss to give me a permanent place to sit. What makes you think I'm going to get someone else a raise???

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