Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lesson Learned

Don't send an email over phoning someone if you're not 100% sure who they're going to respond to in addition to you!!!


Friday, February 16, 2007

welcome to management! here are your staffing issues...

You don't have to be in middle management long before realizing you're royally screwed when it comes to staffing. Your employees might sympathize that you're understaffed, but they certainly aren't going to volunteer to do the extra work. Your boss doesn't care that you're understaffed b/c their boss doesn't care that they're understaffed (ad infinitum...). And your peers don't have time to care b/c they're worrying about their own staffing issues.

So, who cares?

Well, the old P.A.M. cares. I can tell ya that. As usual, her experience and knowledge both @ Planned Parenthood and just in the "real world" (not to mention all this business mumbo jumbo lingo stuff she's picking up in her MBA program) lend valuable insight and suggestions for Next Steps.

Still, I feel like bitching. Or theoricizing. There should be a combo word for that. Theoritchizing?

Why is it this way? Why don't employees feel obligated to pick up the slack when their co-worker is out? Wouldn't they want someone to do the same thing for them if they were out? Do they really think "managers" have magical powers and can do more than 8 hours of work in only 8 hours? And why is it such a big deal that something isn't in your "job description"? Is this another form of patriarchy that women have unwittingly accepted? Put it on paper or we won't do it...?

I can bitch about these things only because I know them inside out. I have been the employee who told her boss, I won't do anything that's not in my job description because I don't get paid for it. It sounds like solid reasoning, except when you think about the fact that I'M A FUCKING BITCH so why would anyone want to model their being-a-good-employee standards after me???

As for my manager, well...she sucks. I mean, er, uh, she's a great person in dire need of managerial training.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Conflict Resolution?

It seems in the non-profit management world that everyone wants your buy-in but no one wants your opinion. Also, a committee has to be created for everything, when--in reality--one person is going to make the final decision.

So far, I'm not really combative in meetings, but I'm taking away something other than what other people are taking, then I end up getting in somewhat heated discussions over e-mail. I think this is because e-mail gives me a chance to actually "hear" what the person is saying because I'm reading it, so my response is more thought out. In meetings, I'm just sitting there, like... "ugh...why am I here??? no one cares what i think anyway..." So, the real problem here is that I'm taking away NOTHING from the meetings!?!? oops...

Also, as previously mentioned, having e-mail in my inbox really stresses me out, so I think about it and think about it until I'm ready to respond and then I respond in order to get it out of my inbox. (And, no, I can't just "delete" it or folder it away. I'm too anal for that.)

So, what's a mini-P.A.M. to do? Fester, fester, fester and then rot, rot, rot? Lordie, I hope not. I either have to perk up in these meetings (for lack of a better word) or...well, I have to perk up in these meetings, damn it!

I may get a taste of my own medicine soon, as this week and next are my first "monthly meetings" with my staff members. Hopefully, they don't leave the meeting thinking "Wow, that was a waste of my time" while I leave thinking, "Wow, so-and-so is a really great listener! What a wonderful meeting!"

Monday, February 5, 2007


despite my best intentions to streamline things, the failures in my personal life continue to overshadow any successes at work. sometimes, i regret taking on the added responsibility because now i can't threaten to run away to jamaica whenever i'm feeling overwhelmed!

BUT all in all, i think i'm doing an okay job. i'm looking forward to playing a big role in our conversion to a new practice management system. and new opportunities continue to land on my plate, including collaborating with NOMAS and attending the Health Care For All Planning and Organizing conference in march. why is it so much eaiser to rely on my instincts professionally than it is personally? does that mean i want a successful career more than a successful relationship or family? (geez! i hope not!!)