Wednesday, June 6, 2007

check the attitude

i'm stuck in horsham, PA with 3 of my colleagues; and, in order to survive (without going insane), i need to adjust my expectations of the week. i thought i had already done that before coming along, because--honestly/swear to god--i didn't want the week to go badly, for all selfish reasons, of course, like the fact that i'm a part of the week. i certainly don't want to lose my cool and do something to jeapordize my job--i don't even think i have that in me anymore after working in the professional world for 5+ years. but, it wouldn't even be so bad if i could, like, GET ALONG with someone else here...if i could agree with something they say (one thing!)...if i could see their point or see from their point of view. but i caaaaaaaaaaaaan't. (waaah. i want my mommy.) i'm just not a "team player," i guess...

the truth is i wouldn't be a good project manager for this project, because i'm not invested in it. the only way to get out of this alive is to go along with whatever they say, and change stuff when i get back to Boston. i can even change it the politically correct way by sending an e-mail or leaving a voicemail and saying i've re-thought some things since the trip. but, for now: just keep my mouth shut. except when i need to agree. it's a risky strategy, one which would definitely get me thrown off the island or fired by the donald. fortunately for me, this isn't a reality TV show. it's just reality (and no one can kick me off!).